Automate your applications & services

Streamline software releases with CI/CD methodologies, saving time and manual effort. Enhance your company's delivery capacity by partnering with Cloud Logix, an AWS Select Tier Partner. Let us help you establish robust CI/CD pipelines tailored to your AWS Cloud environment for efficient and automated deployments.
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Benefits of CI/CD Pipelines in AWS

Automate your process

CI/CD helps your team deliver customer updates faster and more frequently. Cloud Logix ensures you will always have a deployment-ready build through a standardized test process through properly implemented continuous delivery.

Quicker fix

With more frequent and comprehensive testing, your team can uncover and deal with bugs before they grow into larger issues. CI/CD lets you perform additional tests on your code efficiently because the entire process has been automated.

Developer productivity

We optimize pipelines for speed and security and build delivery processes that encourage and facilitate behaviors resulting in fewer bugs deployed to customers.

Build CI/CD pipelines in AWS with Cloud Logix

Our team can build and improve your code pipelines with other AWS services and third-party platforms. Using expert knowledge in AWS and third-party tools for cloud automation, Cloud Logix can address a variety of development and operation projects including:

  • Automate environment deployment for confident live deployments.
  • Continuously deliver container-based applications to the cloud.
  • Validate artifacts pre-deployment, descriptors and container images.
  • Perform functional, integration, and performance tests for CNF/VNF.
  • Conduct reliability and disaster recovery (DR) testing.
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Let’s talk automation

Contact us today to learn more about how Cloud Logix can help your business modernize it’s IT infrastructure.
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